Why Nikola Tesla was the Greatest Geek Who Ever lived. (An Oatmeal Comic)

teaslaThe Oatmeal make some awesome comics and I particularly like this one which features one of the chief scientific badasses of the 19th and 20th centuries – Nikola Tesla.  Tesla is probably most famous for popularising alternating current but anyone who has ever played the Command and Conquer strategy games of the nineties probably remembers his name from the series of electrical weaponry named after him! Born in Serbia, Tesla gained experience in telephony and electrical engineering before emigrating to the United States in 1884 to work for Thomas Edison. His relationship with Tesla, as you’ll read below was… challenging and Edison really seems to come off better historically than he was factually. FYI the SI unit for magnetic strength is the Tesla.

The Oatmeal is one of the internet’s best-loved comic series. It blends a delicious combination of twisted humour with knowledge and reason advocacy. Their respect for Tesla’s legacy is so great that they even helped fund a museum in his honor in New York. The below comic is a touching tribute to this great man and is actually partially to blame for the recent surge of praise for the Tesla across the interwebs.



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About the author: Conor Hughes works as a Marketing Executive at Life Science Recruitment

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Comic source: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/tesla