Monthly Archives: November 2012

Job Search Tips – How to cope with the stress?

One of the most important ventures all of us have to undertake at one time or another is a Job-Search. Looking for that new job can be a very stressful undertaking and this can be counter-productive and result in opportunities being missed. However, job hunting does not need to necessarily turn into a harrowing ordeal – or at least you can take a few steps to prevent it from becoming a nerve-wracking experience.

Take a few moments to map out your job search so that it is a healthy endeavour and not one that saps you of money, time and emotional well-being. During your job search you may even find yourself out of work for a number of weeks but you can make that time feel shorter by following a few simple tips.

Create a quick and simple budget

  • Being broke isn’t fun and can cause a lot of stress and if you’re not working – whether you’ve got savings or you’re collecting unemployment benefit – most certainly you’re seeing more money leave your accounts than come in.
  • Reduce unnecessary expenses: Try to avoid unnecessary expense or temptation to over-spend. Look for bargains in the Super-Market and get in the habit of cooking at home rather than the costly approach of eating out. Buy what you need and put off buying what you “want” for a little while – You will be back in the workforce soon and be able to buy extras with your new wage.

Manage your time effectively
Even when you’re not working you should behave as if you were – starting your efforts at a set time in the morning and working to a schedule – punching the clock as it were! Effective time management is essential to a successful job search. It’s not just about using time efficiently, it’s about making sure you can focus on your job search without having it overshadow everything else going on in your life.

  • Treat your job search like a job: Schedule yourself into shifts during which you’ll give your undivided attention to updating your Curriculum Vitae, searching for jobs and networking. Then move on for the day. Spending 12 hours a day is a quick way to burn out and lose momentum.
  • Work smarter not harder: Driving around town running up costly fuel and or walking for hours looking for “Staff Wanted” signs in shop windows is an idea that went out with the Dark ages. Take advantage of online job search sites, communities and networking tools such as LinkedIn, Pinterest & Twitter etc.

Treat yourself now and again…

There’s no better motivator when you have a tough, frustrating task to complete than having a “reward” to look forward to – something you will enjoy but doesn’t have to be a costly one.

  • Find a job search buddy: Find someone who will proofread, perform mock interviews and even commiserate with you when things don’t go your way. Look outside yourself for motivation and support, and make it a goal to improve your job search skills so much that it’s noticeable to others.
  • Give yourself goals (and rewards) to work toward: If you applied to “X amount” of jobs in so many days and wrote up a certain number of interview thank-you notes, then it is time to treat yourself: A movie, a bar of chocolate or a cup of coffee in a local café.

Quality time for yourself:

  • Take time out: When you are dealing with the pressures of searching for a job it is very important that you take time to unwind. It is very easy to get bogged down and become fixated on the job search process so you need to take time to completely unplug from the job search process. Read a book or take a walk… whatever helps you relax.
  • A Bit of Light Exercise: Strange as this may seem, when you are out of work it is a good time to get in some exercise. Even a ten minute brisk walk will help you de-stress and the endorphins produced by the exercise will help to encourage a sense of well-being.
  • Learn Something New: The local library runs a number of very good courses so why not take the time to learn something new… It will help to build you self-esteem as well as providing a bit of diversity during your job hunt.
  • Remember To Breath: Every day take five minutes to yourself to just sit still and take a few deep breaths.   Your lungs and heart are cleansing machines: with every breath they expel carbon dioxide and take in oxygen which helps to counter the body’s stress response and induce relaxation.

It is important to remember that stress can sneak up on you very quickly and have profound effects on the Job search process. If you a white-knuckling it you will find it hard to cope with the highs & lows of looking for work, but it can also affect your overall health. In the event you really are struggling we would recommend that to talk to your Local Doctor as they will be able to help.

There are no hard or fast rules on dealing with stress but do remember – If you manage to deal with pressures of looking for a job without letting it wear you down the more likely you are to get the job you really want and deserve.

If you have any stories of your own or ideas on how to help cope with job search stress then we would love to hear from you via our comments section.

Post by Patrick James Horan

Job Search Tips: Are you prepared when opportunity calls?

So, you are on the look-out for a new job and you have put in all the ground work – checked the wanted columns, prepared and polished your CV, done up your cover letter and submitted yourself for consideration. Now you cross your fingers and eagerly await a call in hope that you get the opportunity to present yourself in a job interview… but are you ready for when that call comes in?

Here are a few more things you should consider:

  • Remember: You are continually being assessed, even before the interview, so make sure you have a professional sounding voicemail set up just in case a possible employer calls and you are unable to answer.
  • This may be the first time a possible “Interviewer” or a representative of the company, gets to hear you speak so present yourself in a clear and pleasant tone on your voice message, asking the caller to leave a name and return number.
  • After you have recorded your message, make sure you play it back and re-record it if necessary until you are satisfied with what the caller will hear.
  • Check your voicemail inbox regularly to make sure you don’t miss any important calls.

And never forget, your overall phone manner is very important: Every time you answer the phone your job search “goes live” so always pick up in a way that puts you forward in a glowing light. That call may be the all-important “First Impression”.


Post by Patrick James Horan

Interview Tips: Look The Part – Free hair do in Dublin 2.

It may be a cliché but appearance is everything and first impressions count. When you are going for a job interview you need to be turned out from top-to-toe and that includes having your hair looking right too and the simple rule that works every time is “Clean & Neat”.

Times are tough and it is not always possible to get to the hairdresser as often as we would like but the good folks at “Queen” want to help you get that job you are after. If you or a friend have been out of work, for 6 months or more and have a job interview in Dublin City Centre, they are offering to do your hair for free!

If you want to book an appointment then just put in a quick call to Emma on +353 (0) 1 478 9633, for details and to arrange a time. You will also need to bring your letter of proof to confirm the job details and they will look after the rest! (Contact for Terms & Conditions). Please address all enquiries to and NOT Life Science Recruitment.

Some tips for Interview Hair-Style

  • Wash and dry your hair the day before the interview. By getting that out of the way, you’ll save time the day of the big interview and be able to focus on the task at hand.
  • If your hair is long, consider tying it back in a ponytail. This way, you won’t be tempted to nervously play with it.
  • If you are considering colouring or cutting your hair then get it done a day or two before the interview to allow for anything going wrong – Nothing will know your interview confidence like a really bad-hair-day.
  • Avoid wearing a hat as part of your outfit. If you need a hat to keep yourself warm or dry, remove it before entering the building, and if possible check a mirror to tidy any ruffled traces of hat head.
  • Avoid flashy hair accessories.
  • Keep your hair out of your face at all costs. Long curls falling into your eyes while they may look nice don’t always project a professional image. If you need to get them out of your face, using a simple hair-clip or bobby pin is a suitable solution.

Post by Patrick James Horan

Disclaimer:  Life Science Recruitment and are two separate companies and in no way affiliated.  This post is for information purposes only and not intended as an endorsement of We accept no responsibility for the actions of in relation to their product or service. 

Tips to Help You Sleep Easy While Job Seeking

One of the most exacting and tiring things any one of us ever has to do is “Job Hunting” which is somewhat ironic considering how many sleepless nights can be caused by job seeking.

Being out of work, in a job you are unhappy with or simply looking for a new career can all take its toll on someone’s health and often, the first casualty is sleep. Job hunting can mean really long days of job searching, networking, interviewing, reading, and preparing. It’s easy to become worn down by frustration and stress and slip into a cycle of sleepless nights, even insomnia, lack of motivation, diminished interview skills and a negative outlook, all of which will manifest itself in job search performance and make it even harder to gain employment.

Staying mentally healthy during your “Job Search” is vital to your success and sleep is vital to good health.

If you are finding it hard to settle at night, here are a few tips that might just help and we will be expanding on these topics in articles over the coming weeks.

Tips to help with sleep:

  • Regular exercise can be a great help, even if it is just a brisk walk in the evening.
  • Eat a healthy diet and avoid caffeine or alcohol close to bed time.
  • Make a schedule. The better you are about getting to bed and rising each morning at the same time, the more your body will work with you instead of against you as you try to a good night’s sleep.
  • Find someone to talk with – Rather than keeping your thoughts and fears in your head, your spouse, partner or good friend might be able to lighten your load. It is also important to share your hopes and ideas, as talking will relieve the pressure enough to possibly let you sleep.
  • Unwind The key here is to relax at least an hour before you plan to hit the hay. Soft music, dim lights, a relaxing book or a warm soothing bath can all help in preparing you for a good night’s sleep. Turn off the television, laptop and all other tech devices, and halt work altogether. You have done enough for the day – you can resume your job search tomorrow.
  • Warm Cup of Milk or my own personal favourite “Ojas Rasayana” (Recipe Below)
  • Memory core dump – Keep a small note pad beside your bed and if you wake up during the night with something worrying you or racing around in your head then write it down in no more than one or two sentences and agree to deal with it tomorrow.
  • Consult your doctor – If you are having problems sleeping, it is a good idea to see your local doctor. They will understand and can give you the reassurance of a check-up.

Recipe: “Ojas Rasayana”.Deep Sleep Smoothie

This is one of my own personal favourites night-time drinks and I have found it to help when I have suffered restless night.

The ingredients are readily available from health stores – It’s a natural recipe from Ayurvedic tradition and makes for a very tasty drink before bed. Try taking it an hour before bed for a night of sweet dreams and deep slumber.

Ojas is the Ayurveda word for deep nourishment, our underlying reserves of energy. Ojas gives patience, contentment, longevity,  stamina, endurance, strength, stability. In the Autumn, when Vata dominates, Ojas is available to us through seasonal foods like root vegetables, grains, ghee, nuts and seeds, dates, raisins and sweet Autumn fruits.

Rasayana is a grand word used in many contexts, including an entire branch of Ayurveda. Generally it means rejuvenative, and more modernly, anti-aging, stress-reducing. “Rasayana is the designation given to special herbs, fruits and spices, or combinations of them, that are particularly renowned for the positive influence they have on overall health, vitality and longevity.”

Recipe courtesy of: Food A Love Story

Disclaimer:  Please note that this post is for information purposes only. I am not a medical doctor, physician or sleep researcher. This information at no point should be used in place of seeking official advice from a qualified medical doctor. The recipe offered here merely reflects the author’s personal experience and is not offered as expert opinion – if you have any doubt about any of the ingredients please consult your GP beforehand.


Welcome To The NEW LOOK Blog

Welcome to the NEW LOOK Life Science Blog…

Over the coming weeks and months we will be keeping you updated with lots of Job Search News and Articles and we will be giving you lots of Advice and Tips on how to get that JOB YOU REALLY WANT… We will be offering pointers on Interviews, how to prepare your CV and a must now-a-days: How to use Social Media to get noticed in very competitive world of Job Seeking.

Tips: Overcoming Shyness in A Job Interview.

One emotion that many people worry about when it comes to interviews is the feeling of shyness. This is something that I have often struggled with myself on many occasions so I can genuinely understand what people mean when they say that they are nervous or that they may come off a bit shy or a bit too soft spoken.

However, shyness doesn’t have to prevent you from getting the job you really want and we have put together a few tips and things you can do to help manage the shyness enough in order to portray yourself well in an interview.

You might even be surprised to know that many famous people had to contend with shyness themselves and you can too: Abraham Lincoln (who gave the Gettysburg Address), Clara Barton (best known for having founded the Red Cross) and Thomas Edison (inventor of the Electric Light bulb) and countless others but how does this help you – First thing to remember is you are not alone and more people are understanding of Shyness than you might realise.

The No.1 Tip for dealing with shyness is “PREPARE, PREPARE, PREPARE”.
Interviewers do care about how you present yourself and you do need to show them that you are comfortable meeting and interacting with new people. It might seem like basic advice to get ready for an interview but an introvert’s self-consciousness is often very crippling and can feel like their downfall.

The more confident you are with your interview skills, the less shy you will appear. One of the best things you can do is practise with a friend or family member, someone you can trust to give you honest feedback. Numerous websites have sample “Common Interview questions” available. Rehearse as many of these as you can until you are comfortable with your answers. It may seem odd but this approach is what an introvert needs to help stay relaxed, have confidence and not be nervous. At the interview, you know your material so well the answers come out like their rolling off the top of your head. It really takes the pressure off. This is 99% of your formula to success. You will come off sounding better than the most outgoing person who is just winging it. PREPARE, PREPARE, PREPARE.

What your body language is saying.
The introverted want more personal space and may fidget. To avoid this sit up straight in your chair, fold your hands together and rest them on the table. Keep them there. If there’s no table, sit up straight and keep your hands folded in your lap. Do not cross your arms across your chest. It’s a sign that you’re on the defensive.

Focus on your successes.
What have you done well? What are the 3 strengths you want an employer to know about you? How can you craft those strengths into a story that an interviewer might want to hear? I know many introverts who tell wonderful, clever stories. It’s that anxiety/audience thing that keeps you from telling them. The more you know about your strengths, the less you’ll be tempted to focus on your challenges.

Turn weakness to strength – It’s ok to mention your shyness.
Many introverted people feel it is a Taboo to mention the word shyness but I think if you do it properly it can be a strength. For instance, it is ok to mention that you “tend to have an understated style” — in fact that can be a great response to the typical “what is your weakness?” question. You can say something like “I tend to have an understated style and people may wonder what I am thinking. So I have learned to make sure I give my feedback explicitly when needed, and encourage people to ask me if I haven’t been clear. For instance, if you have any questions for me or if I haven’t answered something clearly I hope you will ask me to clarify it.” You could also mention that you don’t tend to over-talk in situations and make a point of listening to all opinions before you make a decision.

Be happy you are an introvert
Aggressive outgoing candidates may seem like they have everything going for them but quiet, soft spoken types possess different qualities that can be just as appealing to employers. Those traits are an advantage especially if the interviewer is an introvert him/herself. In many science and pharmaceutical companies, there is a higher proportion of introverted employees.

You are introverted so you may have a tendency to be thoughtful, pay attention to detail and to be a good listener and observer of other people. You can have quite good insights on situations & people and that increases your value in the work place. Even though, at times when you are feeling shy it doesn’t seem like it but all these qualities can be very attractive to right interviewer. So have some confidence from knowing that people can be drawn to your softer personality and make a little more effort to stay open and smile when you’re going for that job.

And last but not least: Remember to Breath….
A good interviewer will understand you being a little nervous especially if you are really keen to get the job. If you become nervous during the interview or are thrown by a question, just take a moment to allow yourself a long deep breath while you compose yourself.

If you have any tips or stories of your own in relation to this post we would love to hear from you through our comment section below.

Tips & Advice: Job Seeking In Bad Weather


So, you have submitted your CV and been successful in getting called for an interview. The big day is fast approaching … You’ve done your ground-work, researched the company, practised your questions & answers and now you only have to decide on what to wear!

Everyone wants to look their absolute best for the interview and can spend a good deal of time choosing the right outfit and shoes etc. However, something we often forget to factor in is the weather and the consequence can often be disastrous. Simple fact is, the Irish weather is notorious for pouring down at a moment’s notice and the winter months can present particularly adverse conditions including wind, rain, ice and even snow. Whether it is going in person to ask about a job or hand in a CV, the interview itself or following up, the weather plays an important part in your search for work.

So we have prepared a few tips to help you cope.

• Never assume that the interview has been cancelled. If the weather is particularly bad (snowfall or flooding) or if you are in any way uncertain then try to get confirmation. Most employers won’t mind a quick phone call to confirm your attendance under such circumstances.
• If you are going to the interview make sure to bring an umbrella so that you are not walking in the rain or snow and getting soaked through. This will be very distracting for both of you and the interviewer, which will prevent you from putting your best foot forward on the day.
• If you are wearing Wellies (Gumboots) to the interview to keep your feet dry, make sure to bring an extra pair of shoes with you to change in to.
• In bad weather it is also very important to allow extra travel time to allow for slower progress in the elements and also for the unexpected.
• Try to keep your hair dry but if the rain is torrential and you have long hair, put your hair up in a sleek ponytail. This way you still look groomed and avoid that undesirable drowned rat look.
• If the wind is quite strong an Umbrella may not be an option so consider a suitable rain jacket but take care it is not one where the water will run off onto your business trousers or skirt.
• While walking pay particular attention and watch for puddles on the road next to the path that cars might drive through – a large puddle can leave you soaked from head to foot.
• If you are carrying documentation or a copy of your resume take heed to put it in a water-proof document folder – nothing looks worse than a candidate thumbing through a bunch of soggy paper.
• I would also strongly recommend plotting a secondary route to you destination in case your planned route becomes blocked by flooding or snow.
• If the interview goes ahead, make allowances for the fact that bad weather disrupts everyone and employers are no exception – they may be preparing for even worse weather, dealing with inconvenienced customers or protecting the business from weather damage in general.

If you have any other tips you would like to share or have any bad-weather job-search stories? Tell us below by posting a comment!