Category Archives: Infographics/comics

Why Nikola Tesla was the Greatest Geek Who Ever lived. (An Oatmeal Comic)

teaslaThe Oatmeal make some awesome comics and I particularly like this one which features one of the chief scientific badasses of the 19th and 20th centuries – Nikola Tesla.  Tesla is probably most famous for popularising alternating current but anyone who has ever played the Command and Conquer strategy games of the nineties probably remembers his name from the series of electrical weaponry named after him! Born in Serbia, Tesla gained experience in telephony and electrical engineering before emigrating to the United States in 1884 to work for Thomas Edison.

It’s a Sick Auld World.

scienceHere’s a sweet piece of art by artist Odra Noel who is actually a trained doctor. She uses her knowledge of tissue structure, mitochondria and cells to produce maps which represent the various cells that suffer under the pandemics associated with these geographical locations.

You’re gonna like it here.


A wonderful comic I stumbled upon based on the inspiring words of Phil Plait, otherwise known as the Bad Astronomer. Phil is an American astronomer, skeptic, writer and popular science blogger. Kudos to Zen Pencils for the art.

How Can Google+ Authorship Benefit My Online Visibility? (Infographic)

Google-CatGoogle+ recently became the world’s #2 social media provider after Facebook. Now, the skeptic in me thought this statistic was skewed for two main reasons: 1) It’s pretty much mandatory to sign up to Google+ if you have a Gmail account, so how many of these ‘users’ are actually active? 2) Out of those who actually stick around long enough to add a profile pic, join a circle or two and post some content, how many would decide it’s just another Facebook and leave?

Who’s Better at Maths, Boys or Girls? (Infographic)

“Math class is tough” exclaimed a talking Barbie from the early nineties. Hard to believe that this kind of negative stereotyping could escape into the public sphere as recently as 21 years ago, but how far have we progressed from this?