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Connected Health Jobs

Connected Health is a natural industrial progression from our strong roots in IT and Innovation. Combined these traits with our Clinical industry and heritage, has resulted in a thriving niche Connected Health industry. Many of the companies operating in this space service not only the local market, but overseas also. Many companies target the UK and US markets, as Ireland as a nation hasn't been very fast to pick up on technology in IT. This is something which is inevitably going to change in the next number of years, and exciting developments and projects abound. There area is an interesting one, from both a Clinical and IT perspective. Clinical staff who are technologically minded and innovative naturally veer towards the sector, whereas IT staff who wish to make a meaningful difference are also attracted towards it. Medical staff, IT professionals, Business people and Engineers all play key roles in the successful operation of a Connected Health company in Ireland. We are therefore always looking to hear from people of all backgrounds who have experience in, and are looking to progress into, the Connected Health industry.
Currently the focus within the sector is on the development and improvement of the following ICT systems:
  • Individual health records and informatics to support acute care and hospital systems.
  • Medical devices and advanced diagnostics to include point of care devices.
  • Telehealth monitoring, for chronic conditions and home based monitoring systems
  • Telecommunication systems in clinical care.
  • Social alarms, Telecare, "ageing well" systems and services.
  • Lifestyle support systems for personal health and wellness.
  • mHealth (the use of mobile and smart phones in relation to any or all of above)

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